Land Register

Land Register

The National Land Registry is a unified and constantly updated information system that records legal, technical and other additional information on real estate and rights over it.

Its compilation aims to create a modern, fully automated register of real estate, all of which have an evidentiary nature, ensuring the greatest possible publicity and security of transactions.

National Cadastre

  • It records on the basis of the property all acts that create or change rights in real estate.
  • It guarantees the legal information it records, as the registration of each transaction is done only after a substantial legality check.
  • It also records the geographical description (shape, location and size) of the property.

We undertake the entire process of declaring your property to the Land Registry, wherever it is located.


  • Property identification (KAEK) - Ownership status study
  • Compilation of a topographical diagram with the specifications of the National Land Registry.
  • Spatial changes (corrections of geometric elements, boundaries and surface)
  • Property Consolidations
  • Collection and processing of Property Declarations
  • Entries of registrable deeds
  • Issue - receipt of certificates
  • Completing and updating cadastral charts
  • Corrections of Original Records of the National Land Registry

In case of disagreement with the geometric elements described in the records of the National Land Registry, a Diagram of Geometric Changes should be drawn up.

Specifically if:

  • you find differences in the actual dimensions on the ground or in an actual dimension of your property compared to the corresponding one presented in the cadastral diagram,
  • or if there is a difference in area,
  • or if there is a difference in position or shape,
  • or if the property is to be subdivided,
  • or if any other geometrical change is to occur in the property

Other Services

Topographic Surveys

Topographic Surveys

Electronic Building Identity (EBI)

Electronic Building Identity (EBI)

Contact us

Every new collaboration is a bet and a challenge for us. Let's make your project a reality together!